Hello and welcome to the first entry of my online journal, and to Sri Lanka! There will hopefully be something more interesting than my usual wafting about food and dogs, but let’s be honest, they will probably feature pretty heavily. I do find I am slightly less of a dog botherer here, mainly because lots of Sri Lankan strays have very prominent ticks, but rest assured there will be some poor quality canine snaps for your enjoyment. It’s nice here, I like the trees and the sea and the monkeys. I also like being able to do things like this:
As I am British, I must point out that there is WEATHER in Sri Lanka, and I do make sure I refer loudly to the intense heat at least once per day with surprise. Happily, it is fairly rainy at the moment, thus cooling it down enough for me to venture my freckly white skin outside.
Will let you know how that goes.